At the time we were working on the egress window, the boys had been busy memorizing a scripture from 2 Nephi 28:8, which says "And there shall also be many which shall say...dig a pit for thy neighbour; there is no harm in this." They could barely hold in their laughter when our next door neighbor showed up one evening while we were all covered in mud guessed it, offered to help us dig our pit!
Now that everything's in place, we don't have to worry about mud caving into the well. But there's a new concern -- curious animals who venture to close to the edge of the well (wanting to see what all the rukus was about). Just a few days after the well was finished, the boys pulled off a search-and-rescue mission for a baseball-sized toad who lost his balance while hopping along the rim!

It has been so much fun catching up on your chronicles while we had some Internet access along these barren Idaho roads this morning. I feel badly I have missed so many days reading The Dungeon Diaries and look forward to the entertaining news in days ahead.
ReplyDeleteWhat great scriptorians those boys are! The well looks wonderful. Very well done.