Saturday, September 18, 2010

Playin' in the mud!

Little did I know that after the drywall sheets were hung on the wall, we still had LOTS of work to do before painting! Mud-work to be exact. Mixing, squishing, smashing and smearing wet mud all over these dry, smooth, unblemished walls! Photos below show the damage we've done (including over 2,500 screw heads that Kristin has single-handedly covered herself)...

Family Room

Boy's Bedroom

Book Nook

Of particular trouble are all the hidden ducts -- we sprayed every outside corner with adhesive, attached a vinyl "cornerbead" with heavy-duty staples, and then coated over the bead with several layers of mud.

When we needed a break from the mudpiles, we washed up and then hung up some vinyl beadboard on the ceilings in the two wet rooms: the laundry and the bath. This stuff is amazing. It's totally waterproof, easy to pull down if we need to get to the pipes up above, and goes up like a dream (compared to drywall). Simply measure, cut, and then shoot into place with a finish nail gun. No mudding, no painting,... nothing but smiles!


  1. This is truly amazing and what a wonderful "bonding" experience for you and Kristin. It looks like even little Lea stays near by and watches every move. It is really shaping up nicely. We're excited to watch this project continue to unfold. AWESOME!!!

  2. Tat ceiling turned out looking so great. Thanks for finding that stuff at HD. Where did you learn all the drywall skills? You're truly amazing!

  3. Beauty! I filled all the holes in the crown we hung and it took me weeks and I was beat tired afterward. GO KRIS! That's a million times harder, I am sure. (I love that you have the play pen all set up) This basement is really look sharp already.

  4. This is amazing Spencer. You are inspirational. I didn't know about the vinyl beadboard. That is way handy. Looks great too. Nice work!

  5. Very impressive Spencer! How did you find the time to do that?
